Mpesa Troubleshooting

Use an Mpesa payment on a sale:
  1. Select MPESA and click on the (+) button to the right.
  2. Simply enter the PHONE NUMBER or TRANSACTION ID for the payment
  3. Click on the Search button

How to search & use a specific payment: #
You can use the Transaction ID (TXNID from your SMS payment notification), or the full phone number (with or without country code) OR just the last 3 digits of a phone number.
Click ENTER to auto-select the oldest open payment, or double-click a row to use that specific payment.

Can’t find a payment? Let’s check online & with Safaricom:
  1. Clicking on the search icon, THREE TIMES, will take a few seconds, as it checked online (on
  2. Clicking it FOUR TIMES, will show a new “Transaction Query” box which needs ONLY the Transaction ID (which only shows on the mpesa portal or customer’s sms).
    This will push a command to Mpesa asking Mpesa to push the payment, if it exists, to Which provides Raminian with mpesa data.
  3. Click on the search button a final time to see if any new payments have been received. Remember, the third click will download any new payments received.

Transaction Query / Transaction Status
  1. This function is the same as MpesaManager’s Transaction Query window.
  2. The below image shows how you would use the website to check for a payment which hasn’t been received yet.

Copy & Paste data from Mpesa’s Portal into Raminian
  1. From Mpesa’s Portal (, find the missing payments.
  2. Copy the full row from the mpesa portal
    • You can also select all visible ones, as Raminian is clever enough not to duplicate them!
    • With or without header works too!
  3. Open the menu Banking > Import Payments, and paste as shown below

*Mpesa payments will NOT duplicate by using this function!

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