Known Issues / Caveats


The below explains how KRA handles decimals, which causes differences in values. Once KRA advises on a better way forward, this issue will remain.

Extract from KRA’s communication on 8th August 2022 entitled “Status of Issues Arising from Stakeholders on TIMS”. Original document can be found below.


The TIMS devices have no provision for final discounts. Hence the discount must be absorbed into the line items. An example is shown below:The above sale only becomes possible after the discount is absorbed into the first item (selected due to it’s smallest quantity, reducing issues created by the decimal place issue mentioned above).
Note: This means that a credit note, ONLY for “Item #2”, at it’s original rate of 20/-, cannot be processed, as it was recorded at 11.60!

  1. Check if your device is uploading data to KRA.
    If the CU INV shows any issue, invalid, not available, etc, goto your ITAX portal, under the TIMS menu, and check the Discrepancy Report for that date to see if there’s a reason.
    Possible reasons can consist of
    Vat mismatch (usually due to the 2 decimal place limit KRAs TIMS Device can handle, or
    Invalid HSCODE (due to the software, device, KRA, all being updated at different times with no method of communication for such HSCODE changes), or
    Invalid PIN (when the customer has no vat obligation).
  2. In the situation where the QR scan URL results are empty AND there is no reason shown in the Discrepancy Report mentioned above, please email [email protected] with screenshots of the above two findings as the issue exists on KRA’s end.


Notice from Aug 2022 #

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