Doesn't matter if it's Black or White!

Templates easily editable in HTML
Jinja Templating - if/then, for loops, etc possible to build truly dynamic templates
Different Templates for print or email
Automated email on event (e.g. TIMS Signature)
Contact Us

Get live and up to date information on anything.
Low stock, credit terms, notifications, reminders, alerts.
Accounts payable and receivables.
Supplier bank accounts, notes, contacts and more!

With the right information at your fingertips, you are able to manage your business in the right way.
Contact Us

Email summary of important metrics? Yes.
Weekly receivables breakdown (30/60/90)? Yep.
Add any report into scheduled email? Yeh.

Add a button anywhere to do something? Yep!
Custom action on a event? Yeah.
Warn when X happens? Of course!
Build your own job card form for record keeping? Sure!