Doesn't matter if it's Black or White!
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Templates easily editable in HTML
Jinja Templating - if/then, for loops, etc possible to build truly dynamic templates
Different Templates for print or email
Automated email on event (e.g. TIMS Signature)
Contact Us
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Get live and up to date information on anything.
Low stock, credit terms, notifications, reminders, alerts.
Accounts payable and receivables.
Supplier bank accounts, notes, contacts and more!
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With the right information at your fingertips, you are able to manage your business in the right way.
Contact Us
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Email summary of important metrics? Yes.
Weekly receivables breakdown (30/60/90)? Yep.
Add any report into scheduled email? Yeh.
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Add a button anywhere to do something? Yep!
Custom action on a event? Yeah.
Warn when X happens? Of course!
Build your own job card form for record keeping? Sure!