Need an Amazing Website?


Why NOT use a platform which powers nearly 75 Million Websites? Yes, that's an M there! There's no need to reinvent the wheel when WordPress gives you everything you need, and a bit more on top of that!


WordPress + Woocommerce gives you an awesome solution to build an eCommerce site! Match it with our awesome Mpesa Checkout plugin and BOOM: Awesomeness!

Need a Better Bigger Faster Host?


Our Litespeed server which have an uptime of 99.9% help your sites run as fast as possible.

Softaculous (one-click installs & backups for popular web apps). We manage our own servers to ensure we know what we're giving you.

Find your Web Solution is dedicated to our web solutions
  • International Domain Registrar
    .com .net .info .me .biz .cool .one...

  • Local Domain Registrar - DOT KE

  • Web Hosting

  • Business Email Hosting
    Various Solutions

  • Gsuite by Google
    Official Reseller

  • Microsoft 365